#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module uses **pyserial** module for communication with OMICRON LuxX
laser. The class **Laser** provides convenient methods for control of one
or several lasers, connected to the computer.
laser1 = Laser()
del laser1
Roman Kiselev, January 2014
Artur Schneider, November 2023
- adopted to python3
GNU GPL - use it for any purpose
import serial
import sys
import re
from threading import Thread
from time import time, sleep
from enum import IntEnum
import logging
class Laser():
This class represents OMICRON LuxX laser. It opens the communication
port upon object creation and asks the device for model and maximum
* __init__(port="auto", baudrate=500000)
constructor. Open port, get model name and power
* __del__()
destructor. Close the port upon completion
* write(command)
send command to device
* read()
read all data from port buffer
* ask(command)
send command and get only the relevant answer, as well as time
* smart_ask(command)
ask, which prints HEX answers in a table
* print_HEX(HEXstring)
print a nice table representing bits in a HEX number
* start()
start emission (takes 3 seconds)
* stop()
stop emission immediately
* setPower(power_value)
change the emitted power
* getPower()
ask for the current power (seting point, not actual emitted power)
* setMode
set an operating mode: standby, current control, power control
or analog modulation.
* getMode
determine current operating mode
* setAutostart
if set, the laser will start emission on key turn event or on
powerup. Otherwise, it can be started only from software with
*LOn* command (**start** function).
* getAutostart
determine if autostart is active
Laser control
The device itself contains FTDI microchip, which emulates serial port
via USB. In Linux it appears as **\dev\ttyUSB#** file, where **#**
is a number. In Windows, it leads to appearance of an additional COM
port (**COM##**).
If the laser is connected via USB cable, the baudrate is 500000; it can
also be connected via RS-232 interface with a special cable, then the
baudrate should be set to 57600.
The laser is controlled with short commands (register matters!). The
full desciption of commands can be found in the file
*PhoxX_LuxX_BrixX_command_list V1.0.pdf*. Here is a list of commands
that are relevant to the LuxX model:
* RsC
Reset Controller
* GFw
Get Firmware
Get Serial Number
Get Spec Info
Get Maximum Power
Get Working Hours
Recall Operating Mode (Standby, CW-ACC, CW-APC, Analog)
Get Operating Mode (**ASCII HEX**)
Set Operating Mode (**ASCII HEX**)
Set Auto Start (Laser will emit after startup)
Set Auto Powerup
* LOn
Laser On - start emission
* LOf
Laser Off
* POn
Power On
* POf
Power Off
Get Actual Status
Get Failure Byte (**ASCII HEX**)
Get Last Failurebyte (**ASCII HEX**)
Measure Diode Power
Measure Temperature Diode
Measure Temperature Ambient
Calibrate Laser Diode
Set Level Power - set the emitted power (**ASCII HEX up to 0xFFF**)
Get Level Power (**ASCII HEX**)
def __init__(self, port="auto", baudrate=500000):
Open port (*auto* stands for **/dev/ttyUSB0** in Linux or **COM17**
in Windows, because it is what I use); then get device model;
finally, get maximum output power and store it in **pmax** variable.
self.parameters = {}
self.status = {}
self.port = None
if port == "auto":
if sys.platform.find("win") >= 0: # for computer in the lab
port = "COM17"
elif sys.platform.find("linux") >= 0:
port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
print(f"Sorry, unsupported operating system: '{sys.platform}'")
port = None
self.port = serial.Serial(port, baudrate, timeout=0.3)
self.firmware = self.ask("GFw")
if self.firmware.find("LuxX") < 0 & \
self.firmware.find("BrixX") < 0 & \
self.firmware.find("PhoxX") < 0:
print("The LuxX | BrixX | PhoxX laser is not connected. " + \
"The received answer for '?GFw\\r' command is:\n" + \
raise serial.SerialException
# From this point we know, that the right laser is connected
self.wavelength = float(self.ask("GSI").split()[0])
self.serial = self.ask("GSN")
self.hours = self.ask("GWH")
self.pmax = float(self.ask("GMP"))
self.laser_name = f"{self.firmware}_{self.serial}_{self.wavelength}"
self.log = logging.getLogger(self.laser_name)
#self.laser_name_mine = # give some more desriptive names
except serial.SerialException:
raise OSError('Port "%s" is unavailable.\n' % port + \
'May be the laser is not connected, the wrong' + \
' port is specified or the port is already opened')
def __del__(self):
"""Close the port before exit."""
if self.port:
print("Port closed")
except serial.SerialException:
print('could not close the port')
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.laser_name}"
def write(self, command):
"""Send *command* to device. Preceed it with "?" und end with CR."""
#self.port.write("?" + command + "\r")
def read(self):
"""Read all information from the port and return it as string."""
answer = self.port.readall()
answer = answer.replace(b"\xa7", b" | ").decode()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
print(f'got some weird unicode characters{answer}')
return None
return answer.replace("\r", "\n")
def ask(self, command):
"""Write, then read. However, return only the relevant info."""
response = self.read()
except TypeError: # happens sometimes if serial was closed
if response == "" and command == "GFw": #happens if not a laser
raise serial.SerialException
if re.findall("!UK\n", response):
print(f"Command '{command}' is unknown for this device")
response = re.findall(f"!{command[:3]}(.+)\n", response)[-1]
if response[0] == "x":
print("Laser responded with error to command '%s'" % command)
return response
def smart_ask(self, command):
Several commands return information coded in ASCII HEX numbers.
The relevant are bits in the registers. For convenient
representation, we will print these bytes in tables.
This is relevant for the following commands:
For all other commands the behavior is identical to **ask** function
if command in ["GOM", "GFB", "GLF", "GLP"]:
return print_hex(self.ask(command))
return self.ask(command)
def turn_power_on(self):
res = self.ask("POn")
self.log.debug('power on')
return res
def turn_power_off(self):
res = self.ask("POf")
self.log.debug('power off')
return res
def start(self):
"""Start the emission (takes about 3 seconds)"""
self.log.info('Laser on')
return self.ask("LOn")
> ok
x error
def stop(self):
"""Stop the emission immediately"""
r = self.ask("LOf")
self.log.debug('Laser off')
return r
def set_power(self, power):
"""Set the desired power in mW"""
# Calculate the corresponding HEX code and transmit it
if power > self.pmax:
print(f"Laser provides %imW only. The maximum power is set {self.pmax} ")
code = hex(int(4095*power/self.pmax))[2:].upper().zfill(3)
self.ask("SLP%s" % code)
def get_power(self):
"""Get the current power value in mW"""
code = self.ask("GLP")
return int(code, 16)*self.pmax/4095.
def set_mode(self, mode):
The device is able to work in the following modes:
* Standby
Laser is ready, but no emission is produced. However, if we
it is turned on (e.g. with **start** function), then change to
other mode will result in immediate emission, i.e. without
3 seconds delay.
constant wave, automatic current control
constant wave, automatic power control
* Analog
the output power is dependent on the analog input; however,
it cannot exceed the specified with **set_power** value.
if mode == "Standby" or mode == 0:
mode = 0
elif mode == "CW-ACC" or mode == 1:
mode = 1
elif mode == "CW-APC" or mode == 2:
mode = 2
elif mode == "Analog" or mode == 3:
mode = 3
elif mode == "Analog+Digital" or mode == 4:
mode = 4
print("**mode** must be one of 'Standby', 'CW-ACC', " + \
"'CW-APC', 'Analog' 'Analog+Digital', or number 0-4. Nothing changed.")
return self.ask("ROM%i" % mode)
def get_mode(self):
The device is able to work in the following modes:
* Standby
turned off
constant wave, automatic current control
constant wave, automatic power control
* Analog
the output power is dependent on the analog input; however,
it cannot exceed the specified with **set_power** value.
mode = self.ask("ROM")
if mode == "0":
return "Standby"
elif mode == "1":
return "CW-ACC"
elif mode == "2":
return "CW-APC"
elif mode == "3":
return "Analog"
elif mode == "4":
return "Analog+Digital"
return mode
def set_autostart(self, state):
"""Decide if light is emitted on powerup."""
if state:
def get_autostart(self):
"""Check if light is emitted on powerup."""
return self.ask("SAS")
def get_emitted_power(self) -> float:
get current power measured by internal diode
return float(self.ask('MDP'))
except TypeError:
return 0
def get_parameters(self):
"""Print a table showing laser status."""
print("""Bit description:
15 Auto PowerUP if ONE
14 Autostart (emission at powerup) if ONE
13 Adhoc USB - Laser sends info messages from time to time if ONE
8 Power control (APC) mode if ONE; current control (ACC) if ZERO
7 External analog input enabled if ONE
4 Mod level: ONE - active; ZERO - not active
3 Bias level: ONE - active; ZERO - not active
Bits 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 are reserved
def get_status_mine(self):
response = self.ask("GAS")
scale = 16 ## equals to hexadecimal
num_of_bits = 16
bit_representation = bin(int(response, scale))[2:].zfill(num_of_bits)
except TypeError:
bit_representation = bit_representation[::-1]
self.status["interlock"] = True if int(bit_representation[0]) else False
self.status["on state"] = True if int(bit_representation[1]) else False
self.status["preheat"] = True if int(bit_representation[2]) else False
self.status["laser_enable"] = True if int(bit_representation[6]) else False # this is
self.status["key"] = True if int(bit_representation[7]) else False
self.status["powered"] = True if int(bit_representation[9]) else False
def get_parameters_mine(self):
response = self.ask("GOM")
scale = 16 ## equals to hexadecimal
num_of_bits = 16
bit_representation = bin(int(response, scale))[2:].zfill(num_of_bits)
bit_representation = bit_representation[::-1]
self.parameters['AutoPowerup'] = True if int(bit_representation[15]) else False
self.parameters['Autostart'] = True if int(bit_representation[14]) else False
self.parameters['Adhoc USB'] = True if int(bit_representation[13]) else False
self.parameters['Power control'] = "APC" if int(bit_representation[8]) else "ACC"
self.parameters['External analog'] = True if int(bit_representation[7]) else False
self.parameters['ext TTL'] = True if int(bit_representation[5]) else False
self.parameters['Mod level'] = True if int(bit_representation[4]) else False
self.parameters['Bias level'] = True if int(bit_representation[3]) else False
def get_errors(self):
"""Print contents of failure byte"""
print("""Bit description:
15 Diode power exceeded maximum value
14 An internal error occured
12 The temperature at the diode exceeded the valid temperature range
11 The ambient temperature exceeded the minimum or maximum value
10 The current through the diode exceeded the maximum allowed value
9 The interlock loop is not closed. Please close the interlockt loop
8 Overvoltage or Undervoltage lockout occured. Bring supply voltage to a valid range
4 If CDRH-Bit is set and no CDRH-Kit is connected or
CDRH-Bit is not set but a CDRH-Kit is connected
CDRH-Kit is a box with a key, a LED and an interlock
0 Soft interlock: If an interlock error occurs, this bit is set. It can only be
reset by resetting the whole system, even if the interlock error is
not present anymore.
Bits 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13 are reserved
def get_errors_mine(self):
response = self.ask("GFB")
errors = check_errors(response)
for error in errors:
if len(errors) == 1 and errors[0] == LaserErrors.no_errors:
self.error_state = False
self.error_state = True
def prepare(self, power=-1):
self.set_mode(3) # set to analog mode
self.log.debug('Analog Mode')
#if power == -1:
# power = self.pmax # #set to max power
#self.log.debug(f'Set power to {power}')
response = self.start()
if response == '>':
return True
return False
def power_up(self):
self.log.debug('Power On')
self.set_mode(3) # set to analog mode
self.log.debug('Analog Mode')
def test_apc(self):
self.log.debug('Power On')
self.set_mode(2) # set to APC mode
self.log.debug('APC Mode')
response = self.start()
self.set_mode(3) # set to analog mode
self.log.debug('Power Off')
def start_test(self):
self.test_thread = Thread(target=self.test_apc)
def stopwatch(func, *func_args, **func_kwargs):
"""Call **func** and print elapsed time"""
start_time = time()
result = func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
print("Time elapsed: %5.2f ms" % ((time() - start_time)*1000.0))
return result
def check_errors(hex_code) -> list:
scale = 16 ## equals to hexadecimal
num_of_bits = 16
bit_representation = bin(int(hex_code, scale))[2:].zfill(num_of_bits)
bit_representation = bit_representation[::-1]
on_bits = [b.start() for b in re.finditer('1', bit_representation)]
if len(on_bits) == 0:
return [LaserErrors(-1)]
return [LaserErrors(on_bit) for on_bit in on_bits]
def print_hex(hex_code):
Print a nice table that represents *hex_code* (ASCII HEX string)
in a binary code.
corresponding decimal numbers in array
# If the number is odd, pad it with leading zero
print(f'got hex code {hex_code}')
length = len(hex_code)
byte_number = int((length/2) + (length % 2))
if length % 2:
hex_code = "0" + hex_code
# Split it into 8-bit numbers coded in ASCII HEX
hex_numbers = []
for i in range(byte_number):
hex_numbers.append(hex_code[i*2 : i*2+2])
# Convert each of them into decimal
decimals = []
for hex_number in hex_numbers:
decimals.append(int(hex_number, 16))
# Print a table
table = """BYTE ## : '?'
| ## | ## | ## | ## | ## | ## | ## | ## |
| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
table = table.replace("##", "%2i").replace("?", "%s")
print("\nRepresentation of ASCII HEX '%s'" % hex_code)
for i, number in enumerate(decimals):
byte = len(decimals) - i - 1
content = list(range(byte*8, byte*8+8)[::-1]) + \
print(table % tuple([byte, hex_numbers[i]] + content))
return decimals
class LaserErrors(IntEnum):
no_errors = (-1, "No errors")
soft_inter = (0, "Soft interlock: If an interlock error occurs, this bit is set. It can only be reset by resetting "
"the whole system, even if the interlock error is not present anymore.")
max_power = (15, "Diode power exceeded maximum value")
int_error = (14, "An internal error occured")
temp_error = (12, "The temperature at the diode exceeded the valid temperature range")
atemp_error = (11, "The ambient temperature exceeded the minimum or maximum value")
curr_error = (10, "The current through the diode exceeded the maximum allowed value")
interloop_error = (9, "The interlock loop is not closed. Please close the interlockt loop")
voltage_error = (8, "Overvoltage or Undervoltage lockout occured. Bring supply voltage to a valid range")
bit_error = (4, "If CDRH-Bit is set and no CDRH-Kit is connected or CDRH-Bit is not set but a CDRH-Kit is connected"
" CDRH-Kit is a box with a key, a LED and an interlock")
def __new__(cls, value, alias):
member = int.__new__(cls, value)
member._value_ = value
member.description = alias
return member
from PyQt6 import QtSerialPort
import serial.tools.list_ports
class LaserModule:
def __init__(self):
self.lasers = []
self.log = logging.getLogger('LaserModule')
for port in serial.tools.list_ports.comports():
if "/dev/ttyUSB" not in port.device or "LuxX" not in port.description: # usually lasers called like this #skip arduino connected as USB0, find a way to identify?
pot_laser = Laser(port=port.device) # try to connect to laser
self.log.info(f"Found {pot_laser.laser_name} at {port.device} with {pot_laser.wavelength}nm wavelength and {pot_laser.pmax}mW max power")
except OSError:
self.log.error(f'{port.device} is not a valid laser')
if len(self.lasers) == 0:
self.log.warning('Could not find any lasers!')
def __del__(self):
"""Close the port before exit."""
for laser in self.lasers:
print("Port closed")
except serial.SerialException:
print('could not close the port')
def turn_off_lasers(self):
for laser in self.lasers:
def turn_on_lasers(self, spec_lasers):
for laser in self.lasers:
if laser.wavelength in spec_lasers:
# TODO think about power ? !
#set to standby
#set to correct mode
def prepare_lasers(self, wavelengths: list):
self.log.debug('Starting lasers')
for laser in self.lasers:
if laser.wavelength in wavelengths:
def powerup_lasers(self, wavelengths: list):
self.log.debug('Poweringup lasers')
for laser in self.lasers:
if laser.wavelength in wavelengths:
def put_lasers_standby(self):
self.log.debug('Setting lasers in standby')
for laser in self.lasers:
def test_lasers(self, wavelengths: list):
self.log.debug('Testing lasers')
for laser in self.lasers:
if laser.wavelength in wavelengths:
class LaserColor (IntEnum):
m = 405
b = 473
g = 560
y = 594
r = 647
class TriggerEnum(IntEnum):
IntTrigger = 0
ExtTrigger0 = 1
ExtTrigger1 = 2
ExtTrigger2 = 3
ExtTrigger3 = 4
IntTrigger2 = 5
if __name__ == '__main__':
las_module = LaserModule()
# to trigger a laser
# power up (auto)
# set to mode 4
# start the laser
# trigger
# do a gui ? user a queu to send commands ? or asynch processing to not send commands while waiting for response ?